meet the band…

  • Garrett Barbuto


    The lead singer and one of two guitar players… Garrett Barbuto. This young man truly has a passion for bringing music to the people.

    Originally hailing from from a small town in Ontario called South Porcupine, just outside Timmins. Garrett moved to Calgary in 2018 and started The Hot Pursuit shortly after.

    Though he’s the youngest member of the band, he’s well versed in the ways of performing — he’s been singing and playing for audiences for most of his adult life.

  • Burton Wiebe


    Whether strumming rhythms or shredding solos, Burton brings our songs that special touch that all rock n’ roll bands need.

    Burton is a lifelong music lover and while relatively new to guitar (you won’t believe it, but he’s been playing for less than 5 years), he plays like he was born to do it.

  • Corey Adams


    Corey is a maestro of funky bass lines and he always brings the much needed groove to our live shows.

    He started playing bass at the ripe age of 11 with his school concert band. His first bar shows were at the age of 17 (with permission from AGLC and his father as a chaperone). Since then, he has played in numerous local bands with performances across Canada.

  • Nick Parker


    Nick is the drummer and backbone of the band. He brings a part of his own style to the songs.

    Not just a drummer, he’s been playing several instruments since he was young including guitar and bass. Nick’s love for classic rock is very evident in his playing, and in the concerts he attends regularly.